September 14th, 2011

September 2011

Below is the monitored kiwi update for mid-September – including a map of the location of the monitored kiwi.

· Lambert – At Taurikura Ridge, has successfully hatched 2 chicks (giving him a grand total of 9 for the past 3 years!) Understandably Lambert has lost a bit of condition after nesting for over 80 days with only a few hours feeding each night but he is healthy and will soon get back up to weight.

Lambert's Second Chick

· Whitu –at Reotahi, successfully hatched 1 chick and is in good condition to breed again this season.

Whitu's Chick September 2011

· JR – at the southern end of Taurikura Ridge is having his third attempt at nesting since March so hopefully this will go better than his last two attempts..

· Waka and Charlotte – are still hanging around the beach houses at Mckenzie Bay . See news story on home page about Charlotte.

· Dallas – has started a nest at the Hill’s property next to the Whangarei Heads school – this is his first nest and as he is still quite young (coming up on 3 years old) it may just be a bit of a practice before the real deal.

· Jackie’s mate Jackie’s Boy is still sitting on a nest at the Nook.

· Jen– is still showing high activity in the area between Kerr Road and Kauri Mt road.

· Darwin – is nesting at Lamb Road. This is exciting news because Darwin has been by himself for the past 5 years and this means that he has finally found himself a girl!

· Charlie – has settled in well at McLeod Bay after his release there a few weeks ago – see news story on home page about his release.

· Tiaki – this is the young kiwi released at Capey’s last month in conjunction with the Bream Head Conservation Trust. Tiaki is being monitored by BHCT and has moved up the steep slopes of Mt Lion.

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