About WHLF

Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum


Landcare is a concept, not a recipe! However getting a landcare project going generally requires:

  1. An issue
  2. Options for action
  3. Passionate people prepared to “put their money where their mouth is” and take action.

These 3 have come together in a ‘perfect storm’ situation at Whangarei Heads over the past 11 years!
Link to http://www.backyardkiwi.org.nz/home/whlf/people

Whangarei Heads is a special place.

High biodiversity values remain, despite the many weeds and animal pests present. The mosaic of habitats within the ~6000 ha of the Heads reflects the mosaic of landuse – large scale sheep/beef farms, dairy farms, lifestyle block, coastal settlements. All are complemented with a community that is passionate about caring for what is in its backyard.

Parua Bay school helping with planting

Early Days
Individual projects ‘sprang up’ as landowners decided that ‘if it is meant to be it is really up to me’! Small informal groups started looking at the active management required to look after their backyards – possum control, rat trap lines, weed control teams, stoat trapping, fencing and revegetation projects … With the assistance of Helen Moodie, Regional Coordinator for the Landcare Trust, each initiative identified the appropriate actions to take to address ‘their’ issue, sourced funding and got cracking with ‘action on the ground’.

Although separated in some cases by only a few kilometers each project was essentially stand-alone. Each was pleased to know that someone was doing the right thing for a neighbouring area – but happy to put their time, passion and commitment into ‘their’ backyard.

Trapper Training

The start of Networking
With the advantage of seeing all the separate projects, Helen began organizing opportunities for the various projects (up to nine at times) to come together to share ideas, problems and enthusiasm and pool resources. Initially aiming for no more than ensuring effective communication prevented duplication, reinvention of wheels or missed opportunities, these ‘forums’ began to provide a strong thread between the separate groups.

The Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum was born
The Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum (WHLF) provides the platform to help a number of these projects access wider funding while maintaining the focus of their projects where it matters most – in their ‘back yards’. WHLF is a registered incorporated society with charitable status that is responsible for financial management, reporting and information transfer within the WHLF.

Planning rat lines

Keeping everyone in touch with what is going on is also really important – sharing of information, ideas and enthusiasm is facilitated by the regular meetings of the WHLF.

Each individual project continues to work on the issues and opportunities most dear to the hearts of those involved.