A brief history of New Zealand’s kiwi population
Kiwi’s have existed in New Zealand for about 30 million years. Extensive Kiwi populations once roamed over all of New Zealand but loss of habituate and the spread of predators has seen this picture change dramatically. The decline has been the most rapid in the last 30 years and today the number of Kiwi in unmanaged areas are halving every 10 years. If this rate continues Kiwi will be extinct on the mainland in our lifetime. Of the six different varieties of Kiwi in New Zealand five are considered endangered or critically endangered.
In Northland Brown Kiwi were found in most forest and shrubland areas prior to 1970 from the Brynderwyns to Awanui. However, their population decline has been rapid. They have disappeared from many Northland areas and exist now only in a number of small concentrations. Whangarei Heads in one of these concentrations and includes the Bream Head Reserve, one of only five Kiwi sanctuaries in New Zealand.
Kiwi Facts
- Kiwi are flightless birds.
- Most kiwi are nocturnal – they come out after the sun goes down to feed on underground insects that come closer to the soil’s surface at night.
- Kiwi habits and physical characteristics are very much like those of a mammal. It’s body tempature is 38 degrees – most birds have a body temperature of 40 degrees. Kiwi have feathers that are more like hair, and they have whiskers, and ears.
- Kiwi are the only bird with external nostrils at the end of their beak – a lot like your nose.
- Dogs find the smell of kiwi to be almost irresistable. From poodles to farm dogs – they love the strong distinctive scent and find it easy to track – day and night.
- Kiwi are very territorial, especially the males. (Doesn’t that sound a bit like some mammals you might know?)
- Kiwi are mostly monogamous – they pair for up to 50 years.
- Female kiwi are bigger than male kiwi.
- Kiwi are omnivores.
- Kiwi live in many habitats – including your backyard. They like native forest, pine plantations, pampas grass, paddocks – you never know where you might find one.
- You can hear kiwi at night, especially during the autumn and early winter, in the Whangarei Heads. Find out where.
- To find out more information, go to BNZ Save the Kiwi Trust.