What you can do

There are lots of things you can do to make sure that kiwi are alive and healthy in your backyard at the Whangarei Heads.

1. . Make sure your dog cannot kill kiwi:

  • Keep your dog tied up, on a lead or in a fenced area.
  • Any breed or type of dog can kill kiwi. They all find the smell of kiwi irresistible.
  • Ask visitors to leave their dogs at home – including contractors.
  • Stray dogs should be reported to the dog control officers of Environmental Northland on 09 438 7513.

Remember, kiwi don’t just live in the bush – they are in paddocks, gorse, pampas grass and, inevitably, in the road verges.  Its not your dog’s fault if it likes smelly things…but whether your dog is a miniature cockapoo, or a farm dog, or a big old hound … it is sure to want to find kiwi.  It’s up to us to make sure that doesn’t happen.

2. Watch for kiwi at night when you’re driving.  If you see something in the road – don’t assume its a possum!  That could be a kiwi.   3 adult kiwi were run over and killed on Whangarei Heads road in the last 12 months. After dog attacks, road kill is the second highest cause of death for adult kiwi in the Whangarei Heads.

3. Keep your cat in at night.  An adult kiwi can fight off a cat, but a little kiwi chick is defenseless against a cat.

4. Trap for stoats and weasels.  Once one of the primary reasons of death for kiwi in the Whangarei Heads, the many years of strong predator control by professionals and land owners has changed that. However stoats and weasels still re-enter the penninsula, so we maintain a strong trapping program.

5. You can also help kiwi in your backyard by making sure everyone knows there are kiwi in their backyards too!  Talk your neighbour and your visitors and your teachers and friends about kiwi.  Let them know that the kiwi are here – and let them know what they can do! If you have ideas about how to help, or if you’d like to sponsor a transmitter on a kiwi, or even have a sign installed on your road-side property, just contact us at mailto:info@backyardkiwi.org.nz

I Heard A Kiwi bumper sticker

And if you hear a kiwi, you might want to add the time and location to our kiwi map and you can contact us to get a kiwi bumper sticker (small donation gladly accepted).info@backyarkiwi.org.nz