April 9th, 2015

March Update

I hope that you all had a good Easter – it was heartening to see good dog control by the visitors that I saw.

Kiwi release (Funded by Kiwis for Kiwi and Kiwi Coast)

A silent cheer for Nova from pupils at Whangarei Heads School

A silent cheer for Nova from pupils at Whangarei Heads School

Another great team effort with BHCT, FOMLI and Backyard Kiwi saw two more kiwi successful released at Bream Head. Thank you to Kiwis for Kiwi and Kiwi Coast for their support of this.  “Nova” and “Twilight” visited the Whangarei Heads School (pic attached) before the public release at Urquharts Bay –  between the blessing, school visit and release 164 people got the opportunity to see a live kiwi up close in their backyard – taking the total for the year to 1084.

In association with the Kiwi Coast another release event is planned for Sunday May 3 at Taheke Landcare (Pataua North road). Please RSVP to Ngaire Tyson at 09 430 0954 or ngaire.tyson@landcare.org.nz by Tuesday 28th April if you are planning on attending.
These releases continue to be a fantastic way to engage local communities in kiwi recovery – especially responsible dog control.


Kiwi Predator Control Programme:
Stoat catches remain low for the year – hopefully this means excellent chick survival for the season – this won’t be confirmed for a couple of years when those chicks mature and start calling.
Catches for March:  Stoats 0, Weasels 5, Cats 3, Rats 57, Hedgehogs 13 and 8 possums.

Submissions on the NRC Long Term Plan
As outlined previously it is crucial that we get as many submissions in support of the targeted rate for pest control in the Whangarei Heads area as possible.  Philip, Martin and Fay attended the recent NRC information evening representing WHLF- Backyard Kiwi

Please make a submission, it does not have to be in depth – just brief and supportive.

Here’s a link explaining how to make an online submission http://www.backyardkiwi.org.nz/targeted-rate-how-to-make-an-on-line-submission
It includes: Possible points for inclusion in a submission to NRC regarding Targeted Rates for Whangarei Heads


Kiwi Call counts
The kiwi call count period is May 7 to May 26 this year – I will send an email out closer to the date but if you know already that you are unable to do your station this year please let me know.


Radio Tracked Kiwi at Whangarei Heads
What your radio tracked Backyard Kiwi have been up to:

 Waka – Usual area at Mckenzie Bay/Taurikura point.  I caught up with him in a hollow puriri tree near Peterkins’ drive for his annual transmitter change (photo attached). He hasn’t found a new mate and consequently hasn’t nested so is in a very fat condition-weighing a wopping 2850g – a full 1 kg up on his usual post nesting weight.

 Darwin – At Lamb Road quarry. He has finished nesting. He hatched the 1st chick “Murdoch” after 64 days but his second egg was a dud.  I did his annual transmitter change – he was 2050g in weight.

 JR- Still no signal from this guy –looking more like transmitter failure all the time

Lambert – Usual area Taurikura Ridge. Still nesting but his transmitter data stream is giving some strange readings so it will be hard to know when any hatch occurs.

Whitu – Seems to have settled on the face above the freezing works – 9.5 hours activity per night.

Charlie and one of BYK Proud Supporters, James of  Grinning Gecko Cheese Co

Charlie and BYK ‘Proud Supporter’ James of Grinning Gecko Cheese Co

Charlie- Usual area at Craig Road. After nesting 87 days his data stream showed a chick had hatched but I couldn’t safely get to the nest in deep gorse and pampas so waited until he finished nesting to do his transmitter change.  Landowner James McNamara was home after winning the national cheese awards – (Grinning Gecko Cheeses have been great supporters of Backyard Kiwi) and was very happy to see Charlie right in his backyard. See attached photo.


Dallas – Usual area by the school – 10.5 hours activity.


Lucky – still no signal after extensive search- another possible transmitter breakdown..


Breck – Kerr road area. 11 hours activity.


EB – This is the guy that was released at McLeod bay back in February. After rapidly moving 6km north he seems to have settled in the scrub between Kerr Road and Kauri Mt Road


Adam Willetts (Ranger for the Bream Head Conservation Trust) is keeping us updated on the kiwi monitored at Bream Head each month so that we can put them on the Backyard kiwi website updates:
Jules – returning intermittent mortality/low battery signal but has been sighted alive. Due for new Tx ASAP.
Freda – Busby Head –no signal- flat battery.
Kelly Slater - dropped his transmitter

BNZONE program (funded by Kiwis for Kiwi):
The ONE –  dad’s out at Riponui and Rarewarewa have finished their second round of nesting and are now feeding up for the next breeding season.

Rippy – Usual area with 11 hours nightly activity..
The Knight – Usual area with 11 hours activity.

Hanga – Usual area with 10.5 hours activity.
Ray – Usual area 11.5 hours activity .
The Acrobat – He is due a transmitter change but is still playing hard to get in deep burrows



Remember to make a submission.

Todd Hamilton
Backyard Kiwi Project Manager
Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum

M 021 1145 385
E   hamiltont@maxnet.co.nz


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