August 2nd, 2010

July 2010

Map of monitored kiwi for july

Map of Monitored Kiwi

Another Kiwi Killed by Dog

“Sprat” – Wild-hatched Kiwi

Unfortunately, when checking Sprat’s monthly location for July, the signal from his transmitter was a “mortality signal” – meaning either he was dead or he had dropped his transmitter. When located, all that was left of Sprat was a pile of bones and a few feathers. The bones showed evidence of a dog kill (broken ribs and a puncture wound to the skull). The data from the transmitter gave his date of death as around the 24 June 2010. We have been checking with locals at the Nook for any sightings of uncontrolled dogs around that (or any other) time. Sprat was a wild hatched kiwi who had become “Jackie’s” partner last season and we had put a transmitter on him to monitor nesting (the dad’s sit on the eggs). Unfortunately 50 years of potential breeding by Sprat has been lost.

Here’s the July update for monitored kiwi in the Whangarei Heads, as reported by Todd Hamilton, WHLF kiwi ranger:

Dallas is in the pines north of the Whangarei Heads School and is coming up on 2 years old so had his transmitter upgraded to a “Chick Timer” transmitter to check for any nesting.

Darwin is hanging around the wetlands by Lamb Road and is also sporting a new transmitter. He is in excellent condition and weighting 2425g.

Daniel – is settled in the bush on the north side of Kauri Mt Road .

Xmas is still hanging around the edge of the recently logged horse paddock at Mcleod Bay

Violet is still in the pampas by Bay View road.

Lambert is once again showing himself to be a good breeder and is nesting on the west side of Taurikura Ridgewith chicks due in early October..

Whitu – is also nesting on the face of Mt Aubry above the Reotahi carpark and if successful should produce a chick or chicks around the end of September.

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