August 19th, 2011

Charlie Finds A Home

Landcare group member Ngaire Tyson sent us this report on our latest kiwi release:

“It was a stunning Sunday afternoon when we piled all the kids into the car and headed down the hill to Whangarei Heads for the kiwi release at McLeod Bay. We were all very excited about getting to see a kiwi live, up close! We were a bit late and as we walked up the farm track, we could see Todd holding Charlie, the kiwi. Hoping we hadn’t missed too much we stood at the back and heard Todd tell us how hard the Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum have been working to kill stoats that are such a threat to kiwi. Todd also congratulated all the locals for keeping their dogs under control, making it possible to safely release kiwi in their backyards in McLeod Bay. He urged us to remind visitors to Whangarei Heads to follow the example of locals, and always keep your dogs tied up and under control. He reckoned uncontrolled dogs were now the biggest threat to the survival of kiwi in Northland.

I couldn’t believe it when he then said “Ngaire, can you come and hold Charlie the Kiwi?” Needless to say, he didn’t have to ask me twice, and I quickly left poor hubby Steve to mind our three pre-schoolers! Sitting down on the kiwi transportation box, Todd handed me Charlie. Charlie had been a bit upset, snapping his bill at all these strangers disturbing his day-time sleep and I was worried he would leap away or do some serious damage to me with his tough feet and sharp claws. But as I relaxed, so did he and we settled into a nice cuddle. He was warm and soft and with his head draped over my arm, I could see his eyes blinking as he thought about drifting off for a little snooze… I sat there totally amazed at holding such a rare and precious creature. “Good luck Charlie,” I whispered to him when I saw Todd coming over to take him to his burrow “Watch out for those dogs and stoats, and send your grand-kids our way…!” Later that night, as I tucked three exhausted kids into bed, the last thing 2 year old Fiona said was “Where kiwi gone Mummy?” “Don’t worry” I replied, “Charlie is safe in his burrow – Todd is looking after him….””

Submitted by Ngaire Tyson, NZ Landcare Trust and landcare group member