June 5th, 2014

May update

Trap catches for April: 1 stoat, 2 weasels, 2 cats, 55 rats, 16 Hedge Hogs,
6 possums
I have been changing over from salted rabbit lure to eggs as the traps checks get moved out to 6 weekly for the winter.

BHCT kiwi release (funded by Kiwis for Kiwi).
As mentioned in my last report we had a very successful release of “Christchurch” and “Gail” on the evening of May 6 at Ocean Beach.

Kiwi Call Count:
Thank you to all those folks that have been sitting out in the cold to listen for and record the number of kiwi calls. We have 22 sites through out the Heads – it is a lot harder to do the four x 2 hour listening stints than it sounds. Results to date have been variable – it is still very dry for this time of year and some breeding kiwi may need a good drop of rain to trigger them into breeding activity. I will collate the results as they come in and hopefully have a summary for you next month.

Radio Tracked Kiwi
What your radio tracked Backyard Kiwi have been up to:

Darwin – He went for a wander but is back at the Lamb road quarry, his activity is high – 12.5 hours per night.
Whitu – In the pampas at Reotahi. I caught up with him for his 6 monthly band change – he was a very healthy 2390g and has an activity of
11.5 hours per night,
Dallas – His activity has dropped slightly and he has taken up residence in a pampas bush near the sewage pumping station beside the road in Taurikura that he has used as a nest in the past – he may be our first dad to nest for the new season.
Lambert – Usual area Taurikura Ridge, he is still proving very hard to locate in the dense pampas there.
Waka – High activity of 11.5 hours a night at McKenzie Bay.
Lucky – Caught up with this young guy in the bush above Mckenzie Bay for his 6 monthly check. He has grown since he was first found last December showing that he must be a young bird (kiwi take a few years to reach full size). His weight has gone from 1900g to 2010g and his bill has increased in length from 95mm long to 99.3mm.
JR – On the South Taurikura Ridge on the slip above Urquart’s Bay. Caught up with him for his annual transmitter change he was 2005g and in reasonable condition considering that he 3 successful nests last season – that’s 9 months of nesting!!!.
Charlie – At McNamnara’s at Craig Road – high activity of 12hours.
Bill – Has moved to the south end of the Kauri Mt coast and settled in a large area of pampas at Zac’s. His transmitter dropped off as the taped band that holds it on his leg got worn out in the pampas.

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