May 5th, 2010

April 2010

Here’s the April update for monitored kiwi in the Whangarei Heads, as reported by Todd Hamilton, WHLF kiwi ranger:

- Dallas is just west of the Whangarei Heads School

- Jackie has returned from her stint on the Parua Bay side of the Nook and is back with mate Sprat on the western end of the Nook

- Darwin is still in the wetland by Lamb Road looking for some soft ground and any potential mates.

- Sleepy has moved from the Kiteone Road side of Oxborrows’ farm to the Nook road side.

- Xmas is hanging around the edge of the recently logged horse paddock at Mcleod Bay.

- Violet has moved from the upper slopes of Mt Aubry down to the pampas by Bay View road

- Lambert is due his 6 monthly tx band check but is playing hard to get in the gorse at the top of Taurikura Ridge.

- King had his 6 monthly check – he was 1960g, his bill was 100.4 and he is in reasonable condition.

- With the bit of rain we have had the adult kiwi should be starting to feed up well for the imminent breeding season – the birds should be calling each other regularly now in the evening so it is good time to listen for kiwi in your backyard.

What some of our monitored kiwi are up to

Click here for the map of monitored kiwi.

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