March 1st, 2012

February 2012

Photo by Suzy Barlow

The highlight of the last month or so was the release of “Ngakau” at the Hunt’s property on Taurikura Ridge in late January. Over 200 people were there to wish him on his way. Since being released, Ngakau has had a good walk around Taurikura ridge and into Bream Head and is proving tricky to keep up with. Below, also find the updated map of monitored birds in the Whangarei Heads.

On the down side “Jen” from the Kerr Road/Kauri Mt area, died of natural causes. All the other kiwi are going well and have had a great summer.

Whangarei Heads Monitored Kiwi Activity:

Jen - This is the Kauri Mt bird we found dead last month – Massey University found no toxins or injuries, leaving natural causes as reason for death

Jackies Boy – Ok –high activity – as the nights get longer the dads not nesting are being very busy.

Darwin – OK – high activity

JR – January’s nesting attempt failed – did tx change (after 2 days trying to find him!)– he is at the top of the big slip on the south end of Taurikura Ridge.

Waka – OK-high activity

Charlotte – 6 monthly check done: Weighs 2510g and has a 121.5 mm bill length. (This is a wild bird I found last year – her bill was 118.6mm on 8/8/11 – so this tells us she is still growing and relatively young bird). Charlotte was in a burrow in the backyard of the Utting’s Bach at Mckenzie Bay- I took the opportunity so show the landowners their kiwi and they were stoked.

Lambert - OK –high activity.

Whitu - OK -activity high

Charlie- ok-activity high

Dallas - Started 2nd nest at Hills next to school

Ngakau - photo by Kate Ward

Ngakau – After being released at Hunt’s he has travelled Taurikura ridge and walked into Bream Head – but is off radar now. Pete and Cathy checking Bream Head for him, I will check Taurikura ridge to see if he has walked back.

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